Auto Accidents

Automobile Accident Injuries

Injuries from automobile accidents can affect your life for months—or even years—after the incident. At Guymon Physical Therapy & Wellness, we treat more than just broken bones and post-surgery recovery. Our comprehensive care includes:

  • Cardiovascular therapy for reduced lung capacity from rib injuries
  • Neurological therapy for balance, coordination, and vision issues caused by brain trauma
  • Whiplash treatment and support for chronic pain from weakened muscles following sudden jolts

Common Crash-Related Injuries We Treat:

  • Neck pain from whiplash
  • Headaches and neurological symptoms
  • Back, knee, and shoulder pain
  • Torn rotator cuffs and cracked ribs
  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensations

After an accident, it’s essential to have a thorough evaluation to catch hidden injuries early. Scar tissue buildup can prolong recovery, and untreated pain can lead to poor posture and long-term issues. Our physical therapists focus on identifying and addressing these complications before they worsen.

We also assist with insurance and legal claims, ensuring your documentation is complete and accurate to support your treatment needs.

Don’t wait—schedule an appointment today to begin your recovery and get back to living pain-free.

If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to visit our FAQ Section to read more about what you can expect on your first appointment and on what you should bring to your first appointment to minimize your wait times.

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